Stephen Colbert just finished speaking truthiness to power at the annual White House Correspondents Dinner. Standing at the podium only a few feet from President Bush, Colbert launched an all out assault on the policies of this Administration. It was remarkable, though painful at times, to watch. It may also have been the first time that anyone has been this blunt with this President.
Here are some highlights:
- "Because we are not so different, he and I. We both get it. Guys like us, we’re not some brainiacs on the nerd patrol. We are not members of the factanista. We go straight from the gut. Right sir. That’s where the truth lies. Right down here in the gut."
- "I believe the government that governs best is the government that governs least. And by these standards we have set up a fabulous government in Iraq."
- "Guys like us – we don’t pay attention to the polls. We know that polls are just a collection of statistics that people are thinking in ‘reality’. And ‘reality’ has a well known liberal bias."
- "The last third is usually backwash."
- "I stand by this man because he stands for things. Not only for things, he stands on things. Things like aircraft carriers, and rubble, and recently flooded city squares. And that sends a strong message that no matter what happens to America she will always rebound with the most powerfully staged photo-ops in the world."
- "The greatest thing about this man is that he is steady. You know where he stands. He believes the same thing Wednesday that he believed on Monday – no matter what happened Tuesday. Events can change, this man’s beliefs never will."
- "Fox News gives you both sides of every story – the President’s side and the Vice President’s side."
- "This Administration is not sinking. This Administration is soaring. If anything they are rearranging the deck chairs on the Hindenburg."
- "Justice Scalia, may I be the first to say welcome sir! [Colbert flicks fingers from under chin at Scalia in Sicilian gesture]"
- "Mayor Nagin, I would like to welcome you to Washington, DC – the chocolate city with a marshmallow center…and a graham cracker crust of corruption."
- "Joe Wilson…the most famous husband since Desi Arnez."
- New Press Secretary Tony Snow.. Secret Service name: Snow Job."
- "I would have made a fabulous Press Secretary. I have nothing but contempt for these people."
By the end of Colbert’s routine, Bush was visibly uncomfortable. Colbert ended with a video featuring Helen Thomas repeatedly asking why we invaded Iraq. That is a question President Bush has yet to answer to the American public.
I am not sure what kind of review Stephen Colbert’s performance will get in the press. One thing is however certain – his performance was important and will reverberate.
cursed are we, peoples without cable..
it is a sad day in the dude.dudette household, when i missed this gem of political satire.truthfulness..
video!! anyone with mytube or google video links!!!??
have no fear…I’m sure someone will get the video up pronto. It was a daring and courageous performance. It will make waves – I have no doubt about it.
Video up on
nik!!! ur a life saver…
and mash, wouldnt have known about it for another few days, sans cable, from reg. slowpoke laziass networks if it werent from u..
I’m kinda like the LAPD…I aim to “serve and protect” (*)
huuuge, they are brass, and they are huuuugeee… i almost wet myself it got so uncomfortable…
jon stewart trained his paduan well!:d
One highlight not posted above that deserves to be remembered:
“What are you [reporters] thinking? Reporting on things like NSA wiretaps and secret prisons in eastern Europe? Those things are secret for a very important reason — they’re super-depressing!“
Even MENTIONING secret CIA prisons in that situation: WOW. Respect to Colbert.
ice bat, I didnt mean to leave that out…there was so much nervous laughter when he said it!:o
Steven put the whore-press to shame for their lack of courage and smacked that ignorant fool chimp right between the eyes with truthiness!
BRAVO!!!! :d
I’ve never seen a more uncomfortable group of rich snobby people in my life. (BTW Joe Wilson’s wife is SUPERHOT! WOW! 😡
If only, if only, the 66% of voters who have had the truthfulness hit them full force would stand up and hurl the same comments out on the airwaves, perhaps something could be done……….but, no, I had to read this whole Colbert “words of truth and wisdom” on the Internet. There was not one word of any of it on my local news and definitely not on Tim Russert’s “farce for news”.
No wonder the King thinks he can get away with anything!!
Colbert’s roast was delicious. Is it possible the press core is so stupid that they thought he actually is a right wing talking head he-whore??
Colbert was so brilliant it was uncomfortable at times – certainly for his audience!
Just hope he isn’t broadcasting from Canada or somewhere next week…
colbert was totally awesome! if this doesn’t wake the press up nothing will. colbert is a true patriot!
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Colbert for President! I love the guy and even though he’s wacky and wierd, he’d be better than any of the other candidates.
I love to eat Marshmallows every day he he he.~:’
i like to fry marshmallow in an open fire, they taste really great.:“
educate me.
i love to roast marshmallows on open fire, they taste great*`’
marshmallows with cheese is the stuff that i always munch;-‘
Thanks for this howling post, I am glad I found this site on yahoo.