Throw Andy From The Train

President Bush has finally shaken up his inner circle. Chief of Staff Andy Card has called it quits after the longest tenure of anyone in that post. President Bush has responded to calls for "fresh blood" in the White House by replacing his tired Chief of Staff with his tired Director of OMB.

When you live in a bubble and you are looking for fresh blood, its hard to see outside the bubble. So, you pick the ones you can see – Harriet Miers, Josh Bolten, Condi Rice, Stephen Hadley,  etc. I think Mr. Bush’s pick of Josh Bolten speaks volumes about this Administration’s ability to process new ideas or information. President Bush missed an opportunity to reinvigorate his flagging Administration by injecting some fresh blood and fresh ideas. Instead, Mr. Bush displayed his Administration’s tendency to address substantial issues by applying window dressing. The Administration that lives by spin is now sinking under its very tired old spin.

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2 Responses to Throw Andy From The Train

  1. Paul Jordan says:

    You must remember, this is the administration that still highly recommends Duct Tape, and plastic as key ingredients to your Disaster Kit.

  2. Mash says:

    My daughter used up all my duct tape on her arts and crafts.

    Thanks for reminding me, I need to get to the Home Depot!

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