Mash Humbled By Jane Hamsher

I just received this comment from Jane Hamsher regarding my comment on her article:

jane hamsher Says:
jane hamsher

I didn’t do that. I saw the comment and thought it was funny.

We have comment monitors who get a little aggressive, but they mean well.

Jane, thank you for the note. I am taking down my previous post in light of these developments. Thanks Jane for the incredibly swift intervention.

Did I mention that I have a big crush on Jane Hamsher 😉


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2 Responses to Mash Humbled By Jane Hamsher

  1. j.west says:


    At first I thought you must have made the mistake of questioning anything appearing on the FDL blog. However, I see you were deleted just for the mistaken appearance of questioning.

    Jane & friends tolerate a lot of fawning praise, but god help you if you don’t tow the “facts be damned” liberal line.

    Her little comment-deleting army of thought purity police are simply practicing on this blog. Apparently the goal is burn books, send opposing academics to reeducation camps and thoroughly obliterate any dissension of ideas (or correction of facts).

  2. Mash says:

    Ah j.west, where do you store all that hate? I saw the malarky you were posting at Firedoglake. Do you go from blog to blog spreading your brand of “truth”?

    I pity the closed mind.

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