Russian President Vladimir Putin apparently does not like being lectured to by Dick Cheney. Before running off to break bread dipped in oil with an odious thug, the Vice President of the United States decided it was a good idea to lay a little verbal smackdown on ol’ Pooty-Poot. Cheney delivered these lines in a speech in Vilnius:
America and all of Europe also want to see Russia in the category of healthy, vibrant democracies. Yet in Russia today, opponents of reform are seeking to reverse the gains of the last decade. In many areas of civil society — from religion and the news media, to advocacy groups and political parties — the government has unfairly and improperly restricted the rights of her people. Other actions by the Russian government have been counterproductive, and could begin to affect relations with other countries. No legitimate interest is served when oil and gas become tools of intimidation or blackmail, either by supply manipulation or attempts to monopolize transportation. And no one can justify actions that undermine the territorial integrity of a neighbor, or interfere with democratic movements.
Russia has a choice to make. And there is no question that a return to democratic reform in Russia will generate further success for its people and greater respect among fellow nations. Democratization in Russia helped to end the Cold War, and the Russian people have made heroic progress in overcoming the miseries of the 20th century. They deserve now to live out their peaceful aspirations under a government that upholds freedom at home, and builds good relations abroad. [Emphasis added by me.]
Gee, a fine time to smack the Russians in the face. If I were the suspicious type, I would think that Cheney was trying to eliminate any possibility that the Russians might be able to work with the Americans in resolving the crisis with Iran. But, hey, I’m not the suspicious type. Perhaps the Vice President was just being avuncular and giving some friendly advice to an immature child about choices one should make in life.
The Russians apparently were not impressed with Cheney’s sanctimony:
"Cheney’s speech looks like a provocation and interference in Russia’s internal affairs in terms of its content, form and place," former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev was quoted as saying by the Interfax news agency. Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin expressed annoyance that Russia had not been invited to the conference of former Soviet republics and allies.
Vladimir Putin, in his state of the nation address, was decidedly not acting like Pooty-Poot:
"Where is all this pathos about protecting human rights and democracy when it comes to the need to pursue their own interests?" said Putin, who also used a fairy-tale reference to criticize the aggressive U.S. course in global affairs.
"We are aware what is going on in the world," he said. "Comrade wolf knows whom to eat, it eats without listening and it’s clearly not going to listen to anyone."
I think it is time that Mr. Bush look into Mr. Putin’s soul again. I am thinking that Comrade Pooty-Poot just threw sand in Mr. Bush’s face and that the two soul mates may be breaking up.
Perhaps in an attempt to salvage the relationship with his soul brother Mr. Bush could sing this ode to Pooty-Poot.
I appreciate your thoughts on Putin – on DU a while back there were two spooky pictures of bush on stage with Putin. One was Putin squeezing bush’s hand and Putin’s knuckles were white, probably at being lectured by bush on human rights (or being called Pooty Poot)
And the other was of a close up of Putin’s profile with Bush looking sideways in the near distance and someone commented that bush’s dark look was back again. Would love to have a copy of that photo if you know the one I mean published on your site.
Your Kos article on Kennedy’s response to Kruschev (and with what we know of the Bay of Pigs, old Nikita had a point) and the dignity and intelligence of Kennedy’s response in comparison with the insane war mongering of the bush regime is needed. With so many years of Republican rule, have forgotten what real leadership and intelligence in a leader looks like.
(Clinton’s involvement in the Mena Arkansas drug running murders, the Promis software murders, the very suspicious 911 type inconsistencies with the Oklahoma City bombing and WACO, the strange kidnapping of Elian Gonzales and the millions spent on that, and the eviscerating of the social welfare safety net not to mention that some of the blame for not fixing the strongly recommended levee fixing for New Orleans, the very nasty comment by Clinton on the Waco tragedy “I’m sorry they killed their children.” right after this tragedy, the sweeps to get rid of the homeless in Little Rock before the opening of the Clinton library, the deliberate failure by Hillary to come up with a successful health care plan for Americans and she had 7 years after it failed if she had been sincere about healthcare but dropped it until a year ago when she could use it in her own presidential ambitions, Bill placing Monica in the Pentagon and the subsequent “suicide” of Admiral Boordah,the suspicious holding back of the money clinton raised with GHW Bush in both of the immense tragedies of the Tsunami and the Katrina victims to rebuild sometime in the nebulous future instead of being used for very immediate needs etc. etc. etc. – Clinton was no democrat and no leader but a member of Skull and Bones and Bilderberg.)
Trevelyan says :
Clinton’s involvement in the Mena Arkansas drug running murders, the Promis software murders, the very suspicious 911 type inconsistencies with the Oklahoma City bombing and WACO, the strange kidnapping of Elian Gonzales and the millions spent on that, and the eviscerating of the social welfare safety net not to mention that some of the blame for not fixing the strongly recommended levee fixing for New Orleans, the very nasty comment by Clinton on the Waco tragedy “I’m sorry they killed their children.” right after this tragedy…”
Umm, wow. Another conspiracy nut. You forgot how Hillary and Bill killed Vince Foster.
Look, this place is for serious discussion, not for whacky conspiracy nut theories. YOU make all these claims about Clinton. Fine. Show us your proof. Give it to the press and the Arkansas Attorney General and bask in your victory when Clinton is convicted.
Until then, shut your nutjob piehole.
My sentiments exactly. (not the nutjob shut your you know what) Such perfect timing to denounce Russia in the face of trying to deal with Iran.
It’s plain arrogance. And of course, coming from this administration (as a representative thereof) not surprising.
It just boggles the mind that there are no stronger denouncements here by this blatant stupidity but then, US media was and is well known to take it easy on them..
btw James, this was perhaps not the apropriate spot to highlight one’s suspicion, and granted, there was not a thread or reference involved, but..not every person who looks past the obvious is by virtue a conspiracy nutjob. If you don’t like it, don’t comment. It’s not your blog.
What Cheney said was true (shocking :o) but the timing is incredible for other reasons, not least of which where was this sentiment when Pooty and Bushy were swapping spit like old lovers?
Because there’s an election coming up and they need to talk tough to rally their base.