Miraj at Baghdad Chronicles wrote a post a few days ago lamenting the frustration the Iraqis feel in George W Bush’s Iraq. Her posts are often raw but always genuine. They chronicle the frustration that ordinary Iraqis feel day in and day out. In response to her post, an American commenter wrote the following:
Bush does have the support of the majority of Americans and so do you. Iraq has been given a great gift. Far greater than you seem to realize in your focus on short-term "facts" which are really distortions. Someday, you or your children will have the opportunity of a far better life than you had under Sadaam. Even if you don’t deserve it.
I am so glad that we Americans are giving the Iraqis this "gift" even though they "don’t deserve it." Apparently freedom is the Almighty’s gift to mankind. Therefore the deaths of tens of thousands of Iraqis are sending them to the Almighty so that they can receive their "gifts". How fucking arrogant. How fucking ridiculous.
I am now going to go and vomit.
Mash, I knew that post was going to be bad when it made you swear. I don’t think you’ve ever done that before on your blog.
I left my own post in the comments section, but I had to restrain myself from writing more than 200 words. David’s post made me :-& and the sad part is that a good portion of the American population agrees with him. l-)
Robbie, I apologize for the vulgarity. This was more of a rant than a post. And you are right, its the first time I’ve used language like this in a post. I think the sheer arrogance of his comments – that Iraqis should die in the “short” term because we know what’s best for them even though they are not worthy – really got under my skin. As you point out, this opinion has a lot of support here – from the President down to the last of the 32% of the true believers.
Americans and Iraqis are dying at the alter of this delusion and this arrogance. Enough is enough. Again, I apologize for my language. Now, where’s the soap! x(
Hi Mash 🙂
I saw your comments in my blog then I fount out that you dedicated a whole spot for the same subject or poster. We actually got used to such comments ,on the other hand it’s quite a surprise to see friendly understanding ones like yours and Robbie’s and other good people.
What did you have to do to get out of the box and understand what’s really going on? It takes beyond my imagination for we know how the American people were fed by certain media throughout these years.
Next time take it easy I don’t want you to have a heart attack if I decided to send you what other Americans had to say, things I do not publish usually.
On the other hand, my writings are raw!!!!!! 🙁
Mash, my initial thought was, it’s a quote:(, but it’s a heartfelt ‘I’m fed up with this crap’ and as Robbie pointed out, if you swear, it must be bad! I do not think though that most Americans think the same way. The loud, and truly ignorant (as in, not knowing any facts other than the Fox propaganda news) get plenty of air time and I think that people are catching up that all will not be well with Iraq. We’ll just have to hope for the best.
I’ll also have to check out Miraj’s site, support is one comment away! Robbie, send me your new Indy site bud..couldn’t find the link on your other site…
Mash..this month went fast..tick tock, one more month to go!;)
No need to apologize, Mash. I’ve let a few f-bombs slip through my proofreading after I write my posts. :”>
Dang right Mash!
I is so glad that you has finally started postin the truth…
I knew you would come over to the right side if’n you would jez lissen….
I caint believe that them thar Iraqis dont unnerstand how wonderful freedom is…
they is almost like them thar Viet Kongs what dint unnerstand how great our freedoms wuz! We showed them though…now the whole world jez loves us and loves us…
At least that thar reel American poster showed her good…I bet he has sacrificed a lot fer freedom…what with havin ta type and such…
I have got ta finish wurkin on my paintin of ol’ GW wearin that flight suit….the codpiece has taken me all day!:((
Jeremiah, you always have a way of putting things in perspective. Is that part of the ninja training? :d
Take it from me, typing is hard work. With each keystroke, that guy was spreading the gift of freedom.
Finally, I cant wait to see your painting when its finished.<:-p
Miraj, when I said “raw”, I meant “with emotion” :”>
You know, there is a fight for freedom in the US right now. We are struggling to maintain our civil liberties in the face of fear and fearmongering.
When fear is used as a political tool, as the Bush Administration is doing now, it cheapens our freedom and makes a mockery of the very real threats that face both the American and the Iraqi people.
A lot of us, and now the majority of us in the US, understand what their game is. Unfortunately, some Americans did not quite understand in time to make a difference in the 2004 elections. In 2004, Americans feared gays more than they feared the loss of their civil liberties. They feared gays more than they feared being lied to by their own government. We are hoping 2006 and 2008 will be different.
Unfortunately, that is 3 and 5 years too late for the Iraqi people.
Ingrid, I cant wait to see my daughter again. I’m glad June is over…now July and then into August 🙂
By the way, click on Robbie’s name in the comments and it will take you to his new blog.
The response by this American commenter is beyond fuckin’ ridiculous. And beyond arrogance and ignorance. His is the vulgarity for spewing such drivel.
Hi Mash
I thought you meant immature :”>:”>
I agree with what you. Some how Bush or the government managed to build a thick walls around their people and called it media.
I’m glad that your little angel is fine now. 🙂
thik walls*
can you start using using bigger font its getting hard to read