As you probably know I am a member of Bloggers Against Torture, a growing alliance of bloggers dedicated to speaking out against torture practiced by the United States of America as well as all practice of torture worldwide. On July 29, 2006 we will take part in Blogathon 2006. We will post articles about torture, every 30 minutes, for 24 hours on July 29th to raise money for charity as well as raise awareness about torture. We will be blogging to raise money for Amnesty International USA.
We will post all our articles on the Bloggers Against Torture website during the Blogathon 2006. I am excited to be part of this event and I will crosspost my article on this site as well. Please join and support us as we begin to leverage the power of the blogs to help end this inhumane practice.
If you would like to sponsor our effort and pledge a donation to Amnesty International USA, click here or click on the link on the sidebar. We will display a list of sponsors on the Bloggers Against Torture website sidebar. All donations by you will be made directly to Amnesty International USA. Neither Bloggers Against Torture nor Blogathon 2006 will collect any funds. You can find more information about our effort on the Bloggers Against Torture website.
What do you regard as torture? I just found out that some of the prisoners in U S of A are being keep in small cells with no window. There is a small door at the bottom of the cell where they get a little stirring of air but not much. There are no fans even in the halls blowing into the cells to offer a little more relief from the heat. The inmates lay on the floor to get what air they can which is not much. these cells get as hot as 110 to 120 degrees on the hot days we are having now all across the states.what can be done about it? Nothing, according to the Highest Court in our land. They ruled that this is not considered cruel and unusual punisment.
If a man treated a dog in this manner he would be sent to prison so he could be treated worse than he had treated his dog. Where is our human compassion? I know that most people don’t know about this treatment of our prisoners but they need too. Where is our News Media? Doing G W”s bidding I suppose. Where is our watch dog groups that is suppose to watch out for people in our prisons who are in harms way. I believe every person in America will be held accountable for the neglect of one person that suffers in this heat and dies. A dog would die in this kind of heat. You may say that the high Court has ruled and there is nothing else that can be done about the situtation. I say there is. If people of America were informed and told the truth they would rise up and see that something is done, if nothing else, put fans in the halls blowing on them, see that they had ice water brought to them two or three times a day. Anything to relieve their suffering a little will help. Where is you heart America?
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