Write Your Own Caption


President Bush in Germany
President Bush and his German counterpart agree to disagree on the situation in the Middle East.

So, what’s your caption?
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11 Responses to Write Your Own Caption

  1. Alfredo says:

    German parent finds effective way to punish child for not eating his porridge

  2. Zebster says:

    W, “Sheesh, he’s got a bigger mouth than Rove…and smells worse than Cheney!”
    Baby, “Make him put me down before he kisses my belly!”

  3. John says:

    Mom, why did you hand me to him. I TOLD you I hated this fucker!#-o

  4. Luke, I am your father.

  5. GWB: “Hey, I kinda like this guy! I’ll call him…Mini-me.”

  6. Alfredo says:

    German child refuses to eat GWB’s Neocon porridge

  7. Bammo says:

    “SHRUB” is thinkin’, kind of smells like my depends in the mornig!

    Doc SL — hell of a blog Bro’ — dynamite job!

    Hang Tough~

  8. Chuck Krauthammer says:

    Where’s Chancellor Merkel when I need her?

  9. Timothy O'Dc says:

    After losing another game of checkers, the president berates his opponent.

  10. Tim says:

    Hey Baby,

    Relax… I’ll give you a neck massage at the G8…

  11. Group Captain Mandrake says:

    Bush dismayed to find that the “culture of life” sometimes entails dirty diapers. “Somebody get me a post-embryo that doesn’t smell!” Bush stated.

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