As the Bush Administration rushes more bombs to the Middle East before those pesky peaceniks force a ceasefire, it appears that the Poodle just discovered that it is a poodle:
British Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett has protested to the US about its use of a Scottish airport to transport bombs to Israel.
Amid the Lebanon crisis, Mrs Beckett said it seemed the US was not following the right procedures over arms flights.
She said she was "not happy" and she had talked directly to US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice about it.
The Lib Dems say reports of the bombs at Prestwick Airport suggest the US is taking the UK for granted.
Give the Poodle a nice scratch on its tummy and it will soon be licking its master’s boots. Good doggy!
Gee Mash, I don’t understand your point. We’re actually supposed to respect the opinions and property and lives of other countries? That’s a novel thought. 😕
If we’re always right, I don’t see the point. The ends justify the means after all.
ZEB; don’t get me started on that ‘the end justifies the means’!!!:-w, hehe seriously though, :d, I never did like poodles!!! (sorry poodle lovers)
Them gal-dang ferriners need to be gettin’ on they’s gol-dang KNEES to thank us for savin’ their butts 60 years ago! Leas’ they kin do is let us use they’s airports fer ammo dumps! As the immortal Kevin Kline said in A Fish Called Wanda:
“If it weren’t for us you’d all be goose-stepping around, singing ‘Deutschland, Deutschland, Uber Alles!'”
Of course, this would hardly be the first time the Bush foreign policy resembled a comedy…wait, can’t talk now, K-K-K-Karl is c-c-c-coming to k-k-k-kill me.
Hehe – thats a good cartoon, where’s it from? Unfortunately, its also completely accurate. Blair’s servility to Bush even went so far as to drag Britain into a completely unnecessary (and illegal) war with Iraq.
Even worse, it looks like with Brown we’ll be getting more of the same. Sigh.
Jamie, sorry to dump on your PM :d
Here’s the link to the cartoon.
Zeb, poodles don’t have a point, they are kind of all fluffy :-”
Mandrake, snap out of it! We need you in the war room. \:d/
“Are you aware of what a serious breach of security that would be? They’ll see everything! They’ll see the big board!”
Maybe that, after all, is the point…as long as Tony plays along, he gets to see the big board. And move the plastic army men around the map of Iraq. “Georgie, I shot you, you’re supposed to be dead!!” “Am not! I’m wearing IED/RPG-proof armor!” “Are too! I’m gonna TELL! DIIIIIIIIICK! Make him play fair!” :d