Today Keith Ellison met Virgil Goode on the floor of the House of Representatives. Why does Virgil Goode hate America?
Before his meeting with Goode, Keith Ellison became the first Muslim in Congress. Ellison used Thomas Jefferson’s English translation of the Koran for his ceremonial swearing-in.
Keith Ellison also penned an op-ed in the Washington Post today titled "Choose Generosity, Not Exclusion". Here’s an excerpt:
Recently, I have become the focus of some criticism for my use of the Qu’ran for my ceremonial swearing in. Let me be clear, I am going to be sworn into office like all members of Congress. I am going to swear to uphold the United States Constitution. We seem to have lost the political vision of our founding document — a vision of inclusion, tolerance and generosity.
I do not blame my critics for subscribing to a politics of scarcity and intolerance. However, I believe we all must project a new politics of generosity and inclusion This is the vision of the diverse coalition in my Congressional district. My constituents in Minnesota elected me to fight for a new politics in which a loving nation guarantees health care for all of its people; a new politics in which executive pay may not skyrocket while workers do not have enough to care for their families. I was elected to articulate a new politics in which no one is cut out of the American dream, not immigrants, not gays, not poor people, not even a Muslim committed to serve his nation.
Poor Virgil.