March Madness

There are so many scandals swirling around Washington right now, it is almost impossible to keep track. While I watch Mr. Bush and Mr. Rove throw AG Gonzo under a bus, there are more serious happenings going on.

Enter March Madness.

Below is my bracket as of today. I’ll continue to update this image with the latest results. Feel free share yours. [Click to enlarge the image.]

My Bracket

Notes 03/15/2007 10:50 pm: Duke can’t shoot free throws when it counts. (And yes, I know my Florida-Maryland pick is an outlier!)



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4 Responses to March Madness

  1. Robbie says:

    I didn’t do a bracket this year, but for a few more days I get to say “Hook ’em Horns!”

  2. MR. Bill says:

    Luck of the (temporarily) Irish to ya, Mash!
    I fear I feel about Orgainzed Sport as I do about Organized Crime (and much Organized Religion): I disapprove, generally.

    And I was wondering If you had seen this posting at Crooked Timber:

    Love and Peace….

  3. Ya know, them scandals dint really start till the democrats took over…. 😕

    I dont watch B-ball because I dont like ta see other races mixin with the pure whites… [-(

  4. Mash says:

    Mr. Bill, sorry for the LONG dely in responding. Thanks for the link. I am still trying to organize my thoughts on the little power shift in Pakistan. It looks like the General may have outlived his usefulness. But its probably about time the US stopped its love affair with the ISI.

    As for sports, it purer at the college level where so much money is not involved. Still, nowadays the NCAA is becoming more business than sport. Its like the olympics, I really started to lose interest when they started to let professionals in – 1984 began the commercialization of the olympics and its been all downhill since then.

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