When we last saw Tony Soprano, he had gone to the mattresses. Bobby Bacala was sprawled out over a train set and Silvio was clinging to life. Tony was lying in bed with his weapon at the ready; and Phil Leotardo was nowhere to be found.
Tonight we find out if Tony can survive another hour of The Sopranos. It would be a tragedy however if Phil did not get what has been coming to him for a number of seasons.
Regardless of who David Chase decides to whack, The Sopranos sleeps with the fishes tonight.
My popcorn is ready. Now on to the show…
So it was Phil! Can’t say much beyond that. This was the only episode I watched in full (even though I read rave reviews on the series many times).
Journey’s “don’t stop believing†made me nostalgic about the 80’s. There was a time when I used to listen to this album over and over and over (when my friends were into Madonna and Michael Jackson) – especially the numbers like…‘send her my love’, ‘faithfully’, ‘anyway you want it’….
[note to self: gotta buy them from iTune tomorrow, then upload to iPod].
They built up the suspense with the brilliant ballad in the background and then… wham! total blackout! WTF?? Took me a few seconds to realize that it was an amazing ending. Now the millions of viewers are on the edge …WHAT HAPPENED!!?? Everybody is welcomed to create their own ending. Or – there could be big-screen movie out next summer, and people will flock to the theatre to get more of the family. But Gandolfini is irreplaceable as Tony.
It’s almost like “who shot J.R.†moment. If Tony was indeed shot (he did visit a lot of people in good-bye style, and his kids seem to be in good place in their lives) who shot him? The guy with the cap? The guy at the bar?
Did his daughter get shot in front of him?
Zafa, I was impressed with how Phil managed to save the two little kids in the runaway SUV :d
So the Sopranos are getting wacked. Sorry, but thank god- as an Italian-American (from Tuscany-ha!) I am SOOOOOOOO sick of these people.
Zazou, no worries. They are busy whacking each other until none are left. But I hear there are three movies coming up. I am not sure how The Sopranos translated from the small screen to the big screen. This may be a good way to destroy a great TV show. 😕
oh, god spare us. We Italian-Americans need a movie version Tony Soprano like we need a hole in the head, We got enough problems with real people like Giuliani.[-(
Now that both Sopranos and West Wing are finished, what will we watch to admire America in all its manifestations? I hope Deadwood continues.
Anthony, Deadwood is over, season 3 was unfortunately the last season. Damn you HBO, first they cancelled Deadwood, then Rome, now Sopranos, I think I will go ahead and cancel my subscription. I would recommend Dexter; I think it’s the best show on cable now. It’s about serial killers, pretty graphic (but to me the more graphic the better) and has great dark humor. It’s on Showtime – if you don’t get it, you can D/L the whole 1st season from torrent.
There will be a movie and more whackage going on. Then we will move on to other ethnic mobsters. Showtime is doing a show on the Irish mob in Providence, RI.
In Mash’s honor, they should make a show on the Bengali mob. What would it be called?
“Bengali mob” – i think it already exists, AKA BNP+JI gang
Deadwood ran only 3 seasons. Man, I’d never understand what sells. Over here the only American shows on network TV are various versions of Law and Order and CSI.