"We thank the 36 nations who have troops on the ground in Iraq and the many others who are helping that young democracy." – George W. Bush, September 14, 2007
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"We thank the 36 nations who have troops on the ground in Iraq and the many others who are helping that young democracy." – George W. Bush, September 14, 2007
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The delusional Mr Bush!
Until today, we had more “troops” deployed by Blackwater in Iraq than South Korea did. Now that’s funny! :d
Hey, lay off the allies. The ‘Austrian’ troops are doing important work, as the President noted in the ‘OPEC’ summit.
Jyoti, what are “Austrian” troops doing in Australian uniforms anyway? And when did Howard join “OPEC”?
Robbie, I think I read on Larry Johnson’s blog that Blackwater had a bigger airforce and more armor in Iraq than the Iraqi army and polic combined! \:d/ Freedom is on the march!!! :-“
Good question Mash. I was wondering the same thing myself!
I loved it when Obama told John Howard to either send 30,000 troops or shut up about Iraq.
Good ones Jyoti (#3) and Mash (#4).
It was pure entertainment on prime time talk shows that night.
What can you expect from a guy who says “new-keller”. 😉