Prisoners Of Conscience

Remember these names and faces:

Moloy Bhoumik


Moloy Bhowmik

Selim Reza Newton


Selim Reza Newton

Abdullah Al Mamun


Abdullah Al Mamun

Dulal Chandra Biswas


Dulal Chandra Biswas

These men are prisoners of conscience.

These men are Rajshahi University professors. This week the Bangladesh military government, in a sham trial, sentenced them to two years rigorous imprisonment for participating in a silent procession last August protesting police and army brutality against Dhaka University students.

This is Bangladesh today.


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5 Responses to Prisoners Of Conscience

  1. khanna says:


    they r freed now.

  2. Pingback: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying » Aparajito

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  4. Raheem says:

    These so called professors have destroyed our education system by practising party politics in universities. Why dont you mention in your post how a 4 yr degree in Bangladesh takes 6-7 years because of the constant hartals and student protests? Why should students burn public property in the name of demonstration? What are they “protesting” against? The lockup of corrupt politicians?

  5. Mash says:

    Raheem, tell me specifically what these four professors were convicted of? You can’t send them to prison simply because someone needs to be blamed and someone needs to pay.

    I hope you are not suggesting that these professors should spend 2 years in jail because you blame “professors” for “destroying” the education system. I am not sure that is the kind of “law and order” that will rescue the country from the ills that you cite in your post.

    I am surprised you are so concerned about exacting punishment on these professors and not so worried about today’s front page story in New Age that says that this government has arrested over 400,000 people since it came to power, and that over 200,000 of them have been arrested without any warrant and detained without any charge against them. One would think that kind of human right violation would be something that would worry a concerned citizen more than trying to punish 4 professors for crimes they are neither accused of nor convicted of.

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