Hillary Clinton On Bosnia Trip: “It was safe”

I wrote earlier this week that I did not believe Hillary Clinton was lying about her experience in Bosnia. Instead, I questioned her perception of the event. While others may have found the trip to be safe, she may have had a heightened threat perception. Today Newsweek adds another wrinkle to this theory in an article on Hillary Clinton’s Bosnia trip. Newsweek demonstrates that Hillary Clinton’s tale of Tuzla has grown in the telling. Each new retelling has been embellished further, until it has now become a story with fictional sniper fire and fictional ducking and covering. Her threat perception has grown as she has gotten further in time from her trip to Bosnia, and closer in time to the Democratic National Convention.

Looking through the First Lady’s remarks on her visit to the base in Tuzla, with Sinbad and Sheryl Crow, one finds a first hand recollection of the threat she was facing in Tuzla. In remarks at Dover Air Force base in 1999, Hillary Clinton recalled her visit to Tuzla. She said:

"You know, I went to Bosnia shortly after the peace accords were signed, when it was safe enough to go to our base in Tuzla, but not very safe to go anywhere else."

Somehow, over time, the "safe" trip to Tuzla has grown into a war story where Hillary Clinton is braving sniper fire to prove her foreign policy bona fides. It is as if the facts were being fixed around her campaign created myth of "experience".


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6 Responses to Hillary Clinton On Bosnia Trip: “It was safe”

  1. Professor Ike says:

    She needs to withdraw herself from her bid for the nomination right now. The longer she waits, the more damage she does to the Democratic Party and to its chances of controlling the White House, and the nation. We cannot afford another four years of Bush idiocy. As for damage (control) to herself, she is a lost cause.

    Is there no one who can say this to her in her face?

  2. Anthony says:

    Apparently, you or others don’t read you BLOG. What’s disgusting is blaming others for your own words(H.Clinton’s or yours)…how outright lies in the public forum and completely disregarded, turned to someone else, somthing, or a minister?…Truly, if the scruntiny of such lies were placed in the same media vein as Obama was exposed to with Rev Wright, then Hillary would be out of the race. It should show people the bias among the racial public forum and what’s allowed, how such outright lying and deflection of the lie perpetuates the real truth, how a white person’s (not woman) lie, which should shed more on their character then someone who really didn’t say a “goddamn” thing, but someone they knew who said, did…

    What confounds me mostly, and I was once a Clinton supporter, was the fact, that when I researched her Senate score more, how she inititated a bill in the Senate that would have made a National Data Medical database on everyones’ medical records in the Un-United States–the rest of the supporters for this bill, uhhhh Republicans! Who recieved more money from insurance companies, uh….H. Clinton. That’s when I change my view of this person who will do or say anything just for the coin of power… And you want a health care for everyone…you want pre-existing conditions, don’t you…you are a fool…me, just a pawn WHO UNDERSTANDS THAT universal health care will be medicare part D that is killing sooooooooo many poor seniors…check out the donut hole! I am a social worker that hears each and every day who are qualified for medicare D, they pay 500 a month easy, more on income of 1200 a month…this is the government plan…to privatize health care… I am a welfare worker and I do not believe any story about any politician who claims some child can’t get health care…untrue…every child gets MEDICAID if they apply…federal money to the states and the states mandate this…universal health care and lies…

    Wanna debate it? Unlike you, I won’t question my perception, I’ll give you facts..and if I’m lying, you’ll know…

  3. She would’a been much safer if I wuz thar ta protect her with my skills….

    I is torn. I have a policy of protectin th’ womenfolk (so long as they is white) but I wont protect them thar librals.

    It is a conniption….

  4. also, isnt Sinbad a big enuff threat for ya? Hasnt you seen Houseguest?

    It makes Saddam look like Boutros Boutros Golly!

  5. Profit Site says:

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    topical copper peptide and topical vitamin C can help reduce stretch marks.*”~

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