Do Your Fucking Homework

I will have more on this buffoon later tonight. For now, please watch the excerpt from Charlie Gibson’s interview of Sarah Palin.

Note to Governor Palin: if you are curious what the Bush Doctrine is, please read this document published by the folks who work at the big white house on Pennsylvania Avenue. If you are going to do an interview on September 11th and try to bullshit the American people, at least do your fucking homework.


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5 Responses to Do Your Fucking Homework

  1. Robster says:

    It’s official. Not only is Sarah Palin indoctrined by the Bush administration to answer a question with a meandering answer, but she’s now crossed into bimbo territory for not knowing what the fuck she’s talking about.

    Praise God and Allah for this wonderful gift, for Joe Biden will rip her to shreds in their upcoming debate.

  2. Mash says:

    John McCain says that national security is our major concern and then puts up for VP someone who has NO experience or expertise. That is reckless.

    Tutoring her to parrot canned lines is not going to work. Putin will look into her soul and see a buffoon. She cant even stand toe-to-toe with Charlie Gibson, of Good Morning America fame. Sheesh!

    What a bunch of idiots: drill, baby, drill, my ass. Bumper sticker diplomacy by a bunch of whiners. How can you sit down on 9/11 for an interview and not even know the defining doctrine of the leader of your party. What a bloody disgrace.

  3. zm says:

    Just imagine, she has just sent her 19 year old son to a war that directly resulted from these policies.

    I told friends early this week that it’d be all over for Mc-Bush-Palin after her debate with Biden on 26th. Didn’t realize she will be disintegrated on national TV on the very first sit-down interview.

    McBush also claimed “she knows more about energy independance than anybody else in America”. ROFL . Can’t wait to hear her “expertise” on how to make U.S. independant on energy.

  4. Mash says:

    zm, that McCain interview was a joke. Drill, baby, drill. Energy=oil. Oh, and Alaska is next to Russia…ooooh.

    I’ll post video soon. I’m going to get a post up late tonight on the Gibson interview as well. We learned a lot about Sarah Palin tonight. Too bad they didnt have a real-time teleprompter giving her the answers. Instead she was left repeating canned lines fed to her by McCain’s Georgia lobbyist/campaign advisor.

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