Not Now, I Am Right In The Middle Of A Rothschild!

When Senator Obama called John McCain this morning to discuss a joint statement on the economy, John McCain was not available. According to the McCain campaign, the Senator called Barack Obama back after meeting with economic advisors and talking with congressional leaders. The McCain campaign said:

Senator McCain was meeting with economic advisers and talking to leaders in Congress throughout the day prior to calling Senator Obama.

But, in reality, John McCain was right in the middle of a Rothschild:

The McCain campaign’s new urgency about the financial crisis didn’t entirely clear his schedule this morning. My colleague Amie Parnes reports that he made it to his scheduled morning meeting with Lady Lynn de Rothschild, a Clinton backer who recently came out in support of him.

So, let me understand this. John McCain feels the economic crisis is so grave that he must suspend his campaign and has no time to debate, but he has enough time to meet with a super rich supporter who splits her time between her mansions in New York and England.

My friends, that’s leadership we can believe in.

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One Response to Not Now, I Am Right In The Middle Of A Rothschild!

  1. jasper says:

    The Rothschild family is notoriously Zionist.

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