The Comedy Writes Itself

Tina Fey simply quoted Sarah Palin verbatim last night on Saturday Night Live for much of the skit.

The word Sarah Palin was looking for in the Katie Couric interview was "caricature."

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One Response to The Comedy Writes Itself

  1. NiRBashito says:

    I thought Mash was kidding when he said “…Fey simply quoted …Palin verbatim…” So I went ahead and checked out the real interview (for the first time, as posted on your page): Now I cannot decide what is funnier, the SNL spoof, or the original interview. Or should I say I don’t know which one is more painful to watch, the clueless Palin with her bravado lost, or Fey “caricaturing” this hapless hick from Alaska.

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