Debate Night

The last of three presidential debates between Barack Obama and John McCain takes place tonight at 9pm at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York. All the pundits are looking for a game changer. Serial Liar Sarah Palin is publicly urging John McCain to attack Obama personally. We will see what transpires. We will see how out of touch John McCain demonstrates himself to be tonight.

Three weeks out the polls are firming in favor of Barack Obama. Barack Obama has introduced himself as a steady leader to the American public in the first two debates. He needs to build upon that and speak to the country about the current economic anxieties.

The McCain campaign needs to shake things up. There is potential for fireworks. Then again, it could be a dud.

As before, I will attempt to liveblog below.


9:10 PM McCain touts his $300 billion plan to get people to renegotiate mortgages. Obama says the ability to renegotate is already part of the $700 billion plan, and that McCain proposes paying the banks full price for the mortgages – a waste of taxpayer money.

9:15PM We are now having a discussion about Joe the plumber. McCain says Obama will raise Joe the pumber’s taxes. Obama says he will cut taxes for anyone making less than a quarter million dollars. But McCain has latched onto Joe the plumber big time – and has now thrown out the "class warfare" phrase. McCain’s going to the old GOP playbook. Obama hits him by saying McCain will give $200 billion to wealthy corporations. McCain does not deny it. Laughs and goes back to Joe the plumber.

9:20 PM McCain gets agitated when Scheiffer asks him to respond to his question of what spending he will cut. He says that he wants an across the board spending freeze – a hatchet he says – then he will get out a scalpel. Not sure how you do surgery on a patient after you have just axed him to death.

9:23 PM McCain says he knows how to "save billions". He would cut ethanol subsidies, and is now on a riff about earmarks.

9:25 PM Obama says Bush turned a surplus into a deficit and McCain supported him on 4 out 5 budgets. Following the same policies as Bush, as McCain proposes, will not solve our problems.

9:27 PM McCain says he’s not George W Bush. I am glad he clarified 🙂

9:30 PM Obama says the reason he gets confused between Bush and McCain is that on the core issues that matter to the American people McCain vigorously supports Bush’s policies. This will set up a surreal situation where the nominee of the Republican party will now run away from the Republican president – live on national TV. This is great television entertainment!

9:35 PM Scheiffer asks each candidate to say the nasty things they say on the stump and in ads to each others faces. McCain responds by whining about how much money Obama has and if only Obama had done town hall meetings with him, his campaign wouldnt be so nasty. Obama points out that polls show that public thinks McCain is running a far more negative campaign. But he says he can take it for 3 weeks, but American people cant take 4 more years of failed economic policy. He wants to focus on issues that matter to the American people, and that McCain’s own campaign has said that if they talk about the economy they lose. This is a bad exchange for McCain. He got the opportunity to bring up Bill Ayers but did not do so. I bet the wingnuts are pissed right about now and Rich Lowry is not seeing any starbursts tonight.

9:40 PM McCain is whining about what John Lewis said. Obama responded by saying people in Palin rallies are saying "kill him" while McCain’s running mate keeps going. He says Lewis was responding to the hate coming out of the rallies. McCain says he defends his supporters and is outraged by John Lewis. This debate is going to blow up any minute now.

9:45 PM Oops. McCain is getting angry. Brings up Bill Ayers and ACORN in one breath. He demands that Obama explain! dammit! Rich Lowry’s starbursts are back!

9:50 PM Obama says he served on board with Ayers and a whole bunch of famous Republicans. That Ayers is now a professor of education. He dismisses the ACORN charge. McCain snickers. Obama says these attacks say more about McCain’s campaign than Obama’s. McCain goes on another Ayers riff and then says – gasp – his campaign is about helping American families solve their economic problems.

9:55 PM Obama defends his choice of running mate. Says Biden knows foreign policy better than anyone, has small town roots, fights for the ordinary man on the street. Now high comedy: McCain is defending his choice of Palin: "she’s a roll model to women and reformers.", "she’s a breath of fresh air", "she understands special needs children".

10:00 PM Obama declines to say whether Palin is qualified to be President – says American people will decide. McCain goes after Biden for his "cockamamie idea" on Iraq.

10:10PM We are talking about free trade. McCain tells Obama he knows nothing about Columbia and he would know more if he visited there. Free trade with Columbia is a no brainer (lobbying dollars at work again). Obama says he understands Columbia pretty well. Says labor leaders in Columbia are getting assassinated and there have not been prosecutions. He just made McCain look like an idiot.

10:15 PM On to healthcare….and McCain is getting angrier and not finishing his sentences.

10:16 PM Obama says his healthcare plan will allow everyone to keep their existing plans, but will reduce premiums by 25%. Those who cannot get health insurance can buy into same plan Senators have. McCain says he will give $5000 tax credit for health insurance. Tells Joe the plumber Obama will fine him if he doesnt insure his kids. Demands Obama say what the fine is. Obama looks into the camera and says to Joe the plumber "Zero" because small businesses are exempt from providing health insurance that large companies are not. McCain looks at Obama in surprise. Guess the Joe the plumber line didnt work out too well for McCain.

10:19 PM Obama says McCain will tax people’s health care benefits. Average policy costs $12000, McCain will give you $5000 so you are going to lose money under McCain’s plan. McCain admits he will tax health insurance benefits. Nice move.

10:25 PM Long Roe vs. Wade discussion. McCain says he would not use a litmus test for judges but then says judges that support Roe v. Wade would not meet his qualifications for judges. Then, McCain tells everyone Obama voted to kill infants that need medical attention. Obama tells McCain he just lied.

10:26 PM McCain calls Obama "eloquent" for the second time in the debate. Apparently being eloquent means you are a baaaad man! Speak like Sarah Palin instead.

10:30 PM On education, Obama brings up that McCain’s economic advisor called America’s students an "interest group" and said we cant fund all interest groups. McCain disses DC’s schools and says vouchers are the solution.

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3 Responses to Debate Night

  1. Robster says:

    I love that graphic! 🙂

    I thought it was a draw, but only because McCain did well during the first half. He made up for it by having the Hate Talk Express lose a few wheels in the second half.

  2. Mash says:

    Robbie, I think McCain really hurt himself tonight, probably fatally for his campaign. He really blundered by bringing up Ayers. He also really hurt himself by blowing off the “health of the mother” – what a stupid thing to say.

    I think we are now looking at an electoral landslide.

  3. Vickie says:

    Mash-one can only hope it will be landslide. MSNBC had one poll that said Obama was up 10 points in Virginia. Could that be so?

    I really did think that McCain started out OK. One repub. pundit said that McDipstick looked “passionate” and “concerned” while Obama looked “cold” and “calculated”. I loved that Chris Matthews talked about how many times McJoystick said that people were “angry” – he said that the people he interviews are more depressed and fearful than angry.
    After seeing your video up there, I wish that I would have taped CNN instead of MSNBC. I liked the split screen -the reaction of McDipshi.. in that clip was priceless! I missed that last night. He was deer in the headlights! BUSTED!

    Thanks for your recap!

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