Turning Virginia Blue

Take a look at the image above. Isn’t it a beautiful sight? Take a look at Virginia. It is deep blue.

For the first time, the Pollster map shows Virginia strongly leaning Obama. A few hours ago Virginia was light blue.

We are still two long weeks away from the only poll that matters. But today was a milestone for us in Virginia. We are used to being a deep red state. All that can change in two weeks.

A lot of hard work, by volunteers on the ground, by phone bankers, and by neighbors talking to neighbors has resulted in that color change you see above. A lot of hard work remains to be done to deliver Virginia’s 13 electoral votes – the 13 that will determine this election on the evening of November 4th – to Barack Obama.

For now, look at the image above and take heart. Change is coming. And it is blue.

To keep the momentum going, please donate what you can to the Obama campaign for the final push to turn Virginia blue. You can donate at the fundraising page I just set up on the Obama website by clicking on the image below:

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4 Responses to Turning Virginia Blue

  1. jasper says:

    Whoo hoo..!! 😀

  2. Mash says:

    jasper, the map is looking very nice. Obama just announced he will be visiting Virginia (right by my house!) on Wednesday. His visit will help keep Virginians energized all the way to election day.

  3. jasper says:

    can I join you in the rally Wednesday?

  4. Mash says:

    I’ll be there. Look me up 🙂

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