7pm: Polls close in Virginia
7:02pm: Virginia too close to call. Not surprising.
7:10pm: Exit polls: Democrats outpacing Republicans and independents in Virginia.
7:10pm: Romney is toast if Virginia goes blue
7:30pm: Polls close in the big enchilada, Ohio. Too close to call. Again, not surprising at poll closing.
7:38pm: FYI. Usually rural counties come in first in Virginia. So far, thats the case. The numbers will change dramatically as Northern Virginia and the bigger counties come in.
7:48pm: Exit polls: Democrats outpacing Republicans and independents in Ohio.
7:56pm: Virginia suspends counting votes since there are still people in voting lines. They don’t want to unduly influence the vote.
8pm: Pennsylvania just closed. Obama has lead but too early to call. Florida too close to call with 41% vote in with Obama leading.
8:06pm Cuyahoga County results right now has Obama at 70%. He needs this too stay that way.
8:32pm: NBC calls it for Chris Murphy in the Connecticut senate race.
9pm: Michigan called for Obama.
9pm: New Mexico called for Obama.
9:06pm: Florida not looking good for Romney. 74% vote in but Obama leading with Miami-Dade only reporting 15%.
9:11pm: NBC calls it for Elizabeth Warren. This is a big one.
9:12pm: Indications are this won’t be a good night for Romney. We’ll see as the votes fill out on Ohio, Florida and Virginia. Also, watch North Carolina – closer than expected.
9:15pm: Pennsylvania called for Obama. So much for the Romney Pennsylvania gambit.
9:29pm: Wisconsin called for Obama. Another Romney fantasy meets reality.
9:36pm: The Nets won’t say it, Â but it is near mathematically impossible for Romney to now win.
9:44pm: Joe Donnelly projected winner in Indiana senate. This is a big win for sanity, women’s rights and, frankly, humanity.
9:50pm: Obama wins New Hampshire. The door has closed for Romney.
10:10pm: Claire McCaskill wins in Missouri. Big win against another nutjob.
10:20pm: About Virginia:Â The big Northern Virginia counties have not come in yet. Those will all go Obama. The rural counties have come in predictably for Romney. The margin will close and Obama should overtake when Fairfax County comes in.
10:42pm: Ok, Fairfax is starting to come in. 63% in and Romney now only leads by 16,000. I think Virginia must now be said to be going to Obama. I’ll wait for the Nets to call it.
10:44: NBC News call Minnesota for Obama. Another nail in the coffin for Romney.
10:56pm: NBC News calls it for Tim Kaine in Virginia. Yay! No macacca this year 🙂
11:00pm: This one is for my brother. California – shockingly! – goes for Obama 🙂
11:03pm: Denver Post just called Colorado for Obama. Waiting on the Nets to call it. Fox News must be freaking out now.
11:05pm: Romney wins North Carolina narrowly.
11:10pm: Iowa called for Obama. I want to see Karl Rove’s face. Switching to Fox 🙂
11:14pm: Ohio has been called for Obama. Fox News studio is all depressed 🙂
11:16pm: Barack Obama has been re-elected as the President of the United States.
11:32pm: Obama now leads in Virginia thanks to Fairfax County with 91% reporting.
12:02am: Virginia called for Barack Obama!
12:06am: Nevada called for Barack Obama!
12:10am: NBC News finally calls Colorado.
12:10am: My mistake on Virginia. Thought it was called by the Nets. Not yet. Should be shortly.
12:26am: Obama now leading by 51,000 votes in Virginia with Democratic counties remaining. NYT has called it but not the Nets yet. They will wait for all the votes to come in.
12:37am: Tammy Duckworth won and beat deadbeat tea party dude Joe Walsh.
12:39am: Virginia now called for Barack Obama by the AP and CBS News.
12:42am: Karl Rove is having a meltdown on live TV on Fox News.
12:42am: Romney has still not conceded. This is getting sad.
12:51am: Romney to concede shortly.
12:51am: Waiting on Florida to make it 332-206! Come on Florida!
12:55am: Tammy Baldwin wins senate seat from Wisconsin.
1:04am: Mitt Romney concedes in a gracious speech – a graciousness that was lacking from him during the campaign.
1:17am: Its pretty clear that Florida will go to Obama giving him a 332-206 electoral victory. I’ll wait for the Nets to call it before I gloat about my prediction 🙂
2:00am: That was a powerful speech from the President.
2:20am: Now, unleash the Biden!
2:27am: NBC News finally joins every other Net and calls Virginia for Obama.
2:43am: Alan West defeated in Florida. Great news for sanity and civility.