The Million Faces Stadium


Amnesty International's Million Faces Stadium


Take your seat at the World Cup and join the fight against the International Arms Trade at the same time. What better way to combine a passion for sports and a commitment to Human Rights than to join Amnesty International’s Control Arms campaign and take a seat at the Million Faces Stadium ahead of the World Cup and the United Nations Conference on Small Arms.

It’s fun and perhaps like me you will get a front row seat at the stadium next to two lovely ladies from Australia and Peru! I am seriously thinking about moving to Peru after the game!

Click here to pick your seat at Amnesty International’s Million Faces Stadium before the best seats are gone. It only takes a minute and is a lot of fun.

[A major Hat Tip to Robbie at Greetings From America’s Finest City]

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4 Responses to The Million Faces Stadium

  1. Alfredo says:

    Mash, fyi: my family and I are planning a trip to Peru next year, in case you’re seriously considering traveling there anytime soon.

  2. Mash says:

    Alfredo, if my new Peruvian friend will be there, book me on the flight!

    [, what’s that honey?…uh, no, I’m just typing email on the Internet…no, really…Peru? no, you must have misheard…why would I want to run off to Peru for some woman…that would be crazy!! :d]

    er, Alfredo, on second thought…:-“

  3. Alfredo says:

    Mmm…I see you’re acquiring a developing case of the Peruvian-femme bug (PFB). No need to worry. The PFB has been proven to be in most cases highly benefitial to one’s well being; for the few cases that it is not, PFB is fully curable (believe me, I’ve been there!).

  4. Alfredo says:

    oops! typo: meant to say “beneficial” 😉

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