Sightseeing In Iraq

Tony Snow and Dan Bartlett

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8 Responses to Sightseeing In Iraq

  1. MHB says:

    Compare this photo of Snow and Barlett in Iraq, then see this Think Progress Post on what Rep. King has to say about the relative safety of DC vs. Irag.
    Who’s kidding who here?

  2. Mash says:

    I live in the DC suburbs. I havent had to wear a bullet proof vest yet on my trips into DC. Rep. King is welcome to visit Baghdad without one.

    There is no shortage of morons in Congress. l-)

  3. Boy them thar librals look mighty sceered in that thar pitcher! I bet ol GW wouldnt look sceered like that…Who is they, some Democrat congressmen or fancy Hollywood libral acters?

    Is they sceered of freedom or sumthin?

  4. TedB says:

    I would Love to see a picture of the POTUS in his body armor setup for the helicopter flight (not drive) from the airport to the Green Zone.

    Freedom is on the march! Too bad we can’t drive there. Or walk there. Or have a semblance of an economy there. But what the heck, isn’t democracy supposed to be messy? Unfortunately I don’t see any of this freedom and democrcy thing going on.

    The new governments open ended crackdown on freedom in the name of despotism is just the first ugly worm to come out. We (POTUS) has signaled that we will accept Any government as long as it mouths the right words to us – cracking down on “terrorists”.

    We have installed a new Shah, he would not be there but for us, how soon before the new Komeneh rises up? Sooner rather than later I would suspect.

    This morning I heard a report about Al Quida’s plan to distract us into a war with Iran. Do we really need a distraction? Assisting someone down a path they willingly wish to go down is the work of an ally not an enemy, right?

    I truely hope for the Iraq’s that a peaceful government can be formed. I fear the level of governmental incompetence and corruption on both sides will prevent this from happening at every opportunity. The people who have suffered and sacrificed so much deserve better.

  5. Bengali Fob says:

    Where are you Mash?! It’s been 2 days since you updated! I bet you’re watching and digesting FIFA World Cup action 24/7, right? Lol.

    Anyway, I’m requesting another World Cup post from DJ Mash please.

  6. Mash says:

    Fob, I’ll have a post up tonight. My little girl has been very ill and I have been distracted. I will explain in my post.

  7. Mash don’t mind the ads on the sidebar, but the one that scrolls down with the screen is annoying. Not that my opinion matters.. but you know… I like your blog as is.

  8. Mash says:

    alright, I got two complaints about the naked guy. He’s going going gone!

    He’s not an ad, just my homage to the World Cup :d

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