What We Have Lost


And now…

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13 Responses to What We Have Lost

  1. Aunty Ism says:

    Thank you, Mash, for your posts. I was not all that fond of Mr. Bill, and I hope his wife doesn’t run for president. But to see the contrasting examples of the states of mind of these two individuals even got through to a certain conservative person I know.;)

  2. Zafa says:

    Clinton through his Global Initiative hosted a forum where he invited our Dr Yunus (Grameen Bank)in a plenary session: Building Sustainable Future. The live cast took place today (Sep 21) at about 1:00. Others in the panel were John Chambers (CISCO), Klaus Kleinfeld (Siemens) and Al Gore.

    At times like this Clinton appears somewhat endurable.

  3. Robbie says:

    That OBGYN comment is a classic. Thank you for finding these videos. I needed a laugh.

  4. Yohay Elam says:

    Clinton is impressive as always. He could easily win the elections in Israel.

    Some say that Bush is just misunderestimated or something like that…

  5. heathlander says:

    Cheers for the videos. Some of those Bush quotes were amazing.


    Let’s not forget that Clinton, just like Bush, was responsible for the deaths of thousands. He continued to uphold the sanctions on Iraq, described by Ed. Herman as one of the biggest genocides in the latter half of the 20th century (over a million were killed, 500,000 of them children). Then, of course, there was that bombing of the al-Shifa plant in Sudan.

  6. Ingrid says:

    Amen Heathlander, Clinton is/was not squeeky clean which brings me back that there is not too much difference between the two parties. However, one at the moment is more pallatable but I think if the Dems ever win back the House, or get back in power so to speak, don’t count too much on them making campaign or election reforms which would prevent all of this two party wrangling over power. I have come to believe more and more with all the reading I’ve been doing that this country is first and foremost a corporate state of sorts with just a token of democracy. I wish it weren’t so it’s very depressing to think about.

  7. doro says:

    Can somebody give me technical advice please. I can’t open youtube files in blogs :((, but I can open them from the youtube homepage :-?. Any idea why, any hints to help me?

    wanna see…


  8. It might be a setting in your browswer for Mash’s blog. Did you check that?

  9. Mash says:

    doro, you may have popup blocker on and that may be preventing you from launching the video.

  10. doro says:

    Mash, Robbie, thanks for your tips. Unfortunately ist looks like I’ve come across one of the plentiful firewall settings my husband shields his computer with. And I’d better not change any of those, being a complete computer moron, I’d only mess everything up. Sigh…

    Thanks a lot anyway.



  11. Mash says:

    odanny, that had me rolling on the floor! =))

    doro, here are the YouTube URLs for the videos:

    Clinton video

    Bush video

    I hope you are able to see them diretly from YouTube.

  12. I will admit Bush wuz wrong about one thang….Fish and man will NEVER live in peace so long as I has anything ta say about it! Take that big mouth bass!

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