I am certain that when Bobby Kennedy asked us to stand up for our ideals, there was some partisan in American politics who had two questions for him.
I am certain that when John Kennedy asked not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country, there was some partisan in American politics who had two questions for him.
I am certain that when Dr. Martin Luther King had a dream of America for all our children, there was some partisan in American politics who had two questions for him.
I am certain that when Franklin Delano Roosevelt told us that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself, there was some partisan in American politics who had two questions for him.
When Barack Obama asked us yesterday to look beyond our prejudices and work toward a more perfect union, there was a partisan in American politics who had two questions for him.
That partisan is Lanny Davis, Hillary Clinton campaign surrogate. Lanny Davis has posted his two questions at the Huffington Post. With his post Lanny Davis has taken the Clinton campaign to its lowest depths this year in its increasingly desperate attempts to convince the Democratic party to give her a shot at the presidency. Juxtaposed against what is perhaps the most important political speech in a generation, Lanny Davis makes his candidate look small.
Lanny Davis and his candidate are now on the wrong side of history.