Sarah Palin Goes Rogue

Six days until the election, and then this happens! 🙂

You know your presidential campaign is in serious trouble when your vice presidential pick is planning her 2012 run already. I have to hand it to the McCain campaign, they sure are a team of mavericks.

Run, Sarah, Run!

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4 Responses to Sarah Palin Goes Rogue

  1. Ingrid says:

    So Mash..predict this; who do you think is bankrolling Sarah Palin? Who in the GOP is trying to undermine McCain and who is ‘buying’ Sarah Palin?
    A very recent study mentioned that men are sexually aroused by the colour red..what do you think, is SP wearing so much red because of it?? No wonder those primal neanderthals would go for the worry many left over neanderthals do we have in this country??


  2. jasper says:

    So she will continue to irritate us, ridicule her and her party, produce steady flow of materials for SNL skits, give rise to bigots movement….
    Does she know that RNC won’t be buying her clothes after Nov 4?

  3. Rivkeleh says:

    I love it! LOVE it! If she’s the face of the New Republican Party, we’re in tall cotton!

  4. Mash says:

    Ingrid, the Republican party is split down the middle. Folks like Bill Kristol and the culture warriors at the National Review are gaga over Palin and have been pushing her candidacy for a long time. They see her as an empty vessel on which their policies can ride. They dont need a leader, they need someone to just sign on the dotted line. She hits all the ideological buttons for them – they will provide the thinking as long as she can recite the talking points. Its a frightening view of governing in a democracy.

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